Ways to Give

We offer two safe and convenient methods of giving your Tithes and Offerings:

1. Easily give online by following the instructions below.

2. Check or cash via tithe box during Sunday Gatherings.

Give Online

We are excited to offer you the opportunity to give online. We use a safe and secure giving system called Planning Center which process payments through stripe. If you give via credit/debit, the church will be charged a processing fee of 2.3% + $0.30 per donation. If you give via checking/saving account, the church will be charged $0.25 per ACH bank transfer donation. If you would like 100% of your donation to go directly to Harvest View Alliance Church, we'd ask that you add the processing fees into your donation. If you need help, please watch the tutorial video below or contact our church. Thanks for partnering with us to see the Kingdom of God come to every life, home and community!! Click Here to See Video

What We Believe About Giving

We believe giving financially is an act of worship. The stewardship of our finances is actually an opportunity to advance the Gospel not just in what we give to, but in how we give. When we give generously we imitate our Father in heaven who gave to us generously in His Son Jesus Christ. When we open our hands in giving and share the gifts God has given to us, we free ourselves up to enjoy all we have in Christ. We also learn to trust in God's provision and not in ourselves. We in no way want to guilt people into giving and if you don't have a relationship with Jesus we are not interested in getting you to give. We simply want to share why we believe generosity is crucial to a Christ-follower.

Your Giving at Work

  • General Offering: Faithful, consistent giving to the general fund extends the love of Jesus as it supports the various ministries at Harvest View Alliance Church and impacts the Grand Valley. Any donation given that is not designated otherwise will be allotted to the General Operating Expenses.
  • Great Commission Fund (GCF): A great "one-fund system" that allows over 700 international workers and their families to take the Gospel to 60 countries and bring the love of Jesus where it has never been before.

HarvestView Alliance Church is a registered non-profit in the state of Colorado and is an exempt 501 (c)(3) organization under The Christian Missionary Alliance.